BZ M1:
Basic [Ba Zi] Fate & Luck Analysis Course
Pre requisite: None
14 hours Saturday and Sunday from 9.30am
to 5.30pm
Course Fee S$688/-
Based on [Ba Zi] ancient theory, to determine our fate & Luck, our
destiny to either good or bad life, rich or poor life.
Understand what happen to our life, so as to avoid danger during the bad
year and maximize luck during our good year.
Lesson will be conducted in English with Chinese feng shui terminology.
Lesson will be conducted by Master Andrew Tan
Course note will be provided.
Certificate of achievement will be awarded at the end of this course.
Course Content:
Introduction of Ba Zi, Types of Calendar
The Relationship between Year, Month, Day & Hour
The Principle of Destiny
What can be achieved in [Ba Zi] analysis?
Sixty Cycle of Heaven Stem and Earth Branch [Jia Zi]
[Yin, Yang] and Five Elements, Heaven Stem and Earth Branch
Erection of Year & Day Pillar
Erection of Month & Hour Pillar
Erection of Luck Cycle, Determination of the Age to start the first
luck pillar
The Principle of the Fate & Luck [Ba Zi] Calculation
Hidden Heaven Stem at the Earth Branch
Earth Branch, Yin Yang and Five Elements
The Strength of the Five Elements in Four Seasons
Twelve Stages of Life Cycle
Ten Stars [Shi Shen]
The Combinations & Clashes
Different Categories of [Ba Zi]
[Ba Zi] Analysis: Strong or Weak Self Element
[Ba Zi] Analysis: Favorable and Unfavorable Star
Good or Bad life, Rich or Poor life
